Technology Forum: Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences
Technology Forum: Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences
Thursday, June 28, 2018
University of Delaware
215 Harker Laboratory (DuPont Science Learning Laboratories)
221 Academy Street, Newark, DE 19716
(At the intersection of Academy Street and Lovett Avenue. See map.)
9:30 am Introduction and welcome by University of Delaware’s Matt Doty and Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Trisha Rice
9:45 am Stephanie Law (UD): Cs-corrected HRTEM needs for epitaxial materials; David Martin (UD): In-Situ Imaging of Polymer and Organic Molecular Materials by Transmission Electron Microscopy
10:45 am Q&A and networking
11:00 am New Developments in variable kV, high resolution TEM and STEM systems, by Jan Ringnalda, Thermo Fisher Scientific
12:00 noon Q&A and lunch
1:00 pm Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy for In-Situ Dynamic Analysis and Observations & More Than Just Big Cross-Sections: The Helios G4 Xe+ Plasma DualBeam, by Rick Passey, Thermo Fisher Scientific
1:45 pm Jodi Ann Hadden/Juan Perilla (UD): All-atom molecular dynamics of the HBV capsid and cryo-EM resolution limits
2:30 pm Q&A and networking
2:45 pm Advances in Cryo-EM: Merging of Structural and Cellular Biology, by Jeffrey Lengyel, Thermo Fisher Scientific
3:30 pm Q&A and networking
3:45 pm Darrin Pochan (UD): Cryo-TEM for Polymeric and Biomaterials Research
4:30 pm Closing remarks by VP Research Charlie Riordan and networking