Student Organizations
Student Organizations
The College of Engineering provides college-level advisement to all College of Engineering student organizations in order to maximize their cooperation, coordination and participation in college-wide student developmental activities. Student involvement in college-based student organizations is a critical element of success in engineering.
Engineering is a team sport and one of the ways that students learn to play effectively and win is to develop the ability to work productively with a diversity of people in different scenarios. The College values our broad offering of student organizations and encourages all of our students to take advantage of this rich developmental resource.
- Alpha Omega Epsilon
- Deep Roots STEM Outreach Program (DROP)
- Engineers Without Borders
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Resilient Builds
- National Society of Professional Engineers
- Sigma Phi Delta
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers
- Tau Beta Pi
Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering Society
Chemical Engineering
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Omega Chi Epsilon
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Chi Epsilon
- Environmental Engineering Student Association
- Institute of Transportation Engineers
Computer & Information Sciences
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W)
- CS+Social Good
- Linux Users Group (LUG)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Eta Kappa Nu
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Women in ECE
Materials Science and Engineering
- Materials Research Society
- Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering – (SAMPE-UD)
Mechanical Engineering
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Society of Automotive Engineers